Sunday, 15 April 2018

Building a Realtime Chat Application with Angular and Firebase

#packtpub #Angular #Firebase #FullStackCourse

Building a Realtime Chat Application with Angular and Firebase

Exclusive : @SpecializeInfo

Course Description :

AngularJS is a structural framework for building dynamic web applications. If you’re facing a challenge in building robust and efficient web applications with Angular, then look no further as this video course will enable you to get to grips with Angular by enabling you to build a realtime chat application using Angular, Angular CLI, Bootstrap 4 and Firebase. Initially, you will quickly scaffold a new Angular application using Angular CLI and then, you’ll add Bootstrap 4 and a few other dependencies to build your application rapidly. On your journey, you will create new pages, implement routing, authentication and more. Next, you’ll work on setting up a new Firebase account and integrating the Firebase backend into your Angular application.

As you progress further, you will make use of a Reactive pattern and implement Observables to add realtime capabilities to your chat application. In addition to building a realtime chat room, you will also build user profile pages; implement a search engine for users and the sending of direct messages to users. Towards the end of this course, you will be able to build a fully featured realtime chat application using Angular and Firebase and deploy it to AWS so that the world can see it. We will help you to get started with Angular, understand how to apply it, and build some of the most robust, efficient and dynamic applications with Angular. After completing this course, you will likely find creative ways to apply it to your work.

Source :

GDrive Download Link : SI

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Happy Learning !!

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